
  • 租赁合同翻译模板(中英文模板对照版)技巧原则已关闭评论
















第一条 租赁标的

1.1 租赁标的

甲方将其所有的***中心中的 座( 号楼) 层 号场地及附属设施(下称“租赁标的”)出租给乙方使用(租赁标的的具体平面位置图见本合同附件1《房屋楼层示意图》)。

1.2 租赁面积

本合同下的租金按照本合同附件2中的《租赁标的面积示意图》中用红线标示的范围内的面积,即租赁面积计收,该租赁面积为 平方米。如果对该租赁面积有异议,则以甲方委托的、北京市房地产行政主管部门认可的专业测绘机构按照本合同附件2中的《租赁标的面积示意图》中确定的标示范围进行实际测定的面积为准。


Section 1 Leasing Premises

1.1 Leasing Premises

Party A leases its site and relative auxiliary facilities, which locates at No. , Floor , Build No. of **** Center to Party B. (the physical sketch of Leasing Premises sees in Attachment 1 of this contract, “Sketch of House Floors”)

1.2 Size of Premises

The rent in this contract shall be counted and paid by the area marked by restriction line in Attachment 2 in this contract, “Area Sketch of Leasing Premises”, or leasing area, which is m2. If any dispute on leasing area exists, the area measured by professional mapping institute entrusted by Party A and certificated by real estate administrational authorities according to the scope marked in Attachment 2 in this contract, “Area Sketch of Leasing Premises”, shall prevail.

When Leasing Premises is transferred by parties according to the provisions set forth in Article 10 of this contract, if Party B has any dissent on leasing area, Party B shall state it promptly, and parties may consign professional institute with legal qualifications and approved by parties to measure leasing area according to Attachment 2, “Area Sketch of Leasing Premises”; if the area measured has a difference lower then 2% with leasing area stated in this contract, leasing area shall not be adjusted, and measurement fees shall be assumed by the party requiring to measure; if the area measured has a difference more then 2% with leasing area stated in this contract, leasing area shall be corrected to be the area newly measured, and measurement fees shall be assumed by Party A.

第二条 租赁用途

2.1 租赁标的的用途

2.1.1 租赁标的仅供乙方用于经营附件5《承租人营业内容》中的品牌、业态和主要商品的种类、服务。

2.1.2 租赁标的的用途,仅限于乙方根据其有效之营业执照(见附件3《承租人资料》)所规定的经营范围,且应符合上述附件5所载明的经甲方同意的承租人营业内容,以 商号(名称)经营_______品牌的品牌店之用。乙方应于签署本合同的同时,提供其合法的营业执照;需要以租赁标的作为新注册公司的法定地址的,应当在取得营业执照后三十(30)日内将其取得该营业执照的有效证明文件提供给甲方备案。

2.1.3 乙方同意甲方有权无偿使用上述乙方的名称、商号、商标、标志以及乙方经营所使用的品牌进行对外宣传,包括但不限于广告。

2.2 用途的变更和禁止

2.2.1 除非得到甲方提前书面同意,乙方不得变更上述租赁用途,否则甲方有权终止本合同。

2.2.2 乙方不得在租赁标的内从事任何违反公 序 良俗或中国法律法规禁止的活动,不得将危险物品、有害物质及令人反感的物品等带入或存放在租赁标的内。

Section 2 Usage of Leasing Premises

2.1 Usage of Leasing Premises

2.1.1 Leasing Premises shall be used only for Party B to operate the varieties and services of the brands, business and main commodities provided in Attachment 5, “Lessee’s Business Scope”.

2.1.2 Usage of Leasing Premises shall be within the business scope provided by Party B’s effective business license (detailed in Attachment 3, “Lessee’s Data”), and in accordance with business scope stated in above-mentioned Attachment 5 and approved by Party A and for operating a shopping brand store with brand of “ ” and business name of . When signing this contract, Party B shall provide its legal business license; if Party B needs Leasing Premises to be a legal address for a newly registered company, it shall provide effective demonstrative documents about having acquired the business license to Party A for records within 30 days after acquiring the business license.

2.1.3 Party B agrees that Party A has the right to use Party B’s above-mentioned name, business name, trademark, sign and brand operated by Party B for propagation, free of cost, including but not limited to advertisement.

2.2 Change and Prohibition of Usage

2.2.1 Party B shall not change the above-mentioned usage of Leasing Premises unless Party A has approved such change in written ahead of time; or else Party A has the right to terminate this contract.

2.2.2 Party B shall not have any actions in Leasing Premises against public order, traditional convention or prohibited by laws or codes of China, or bring any dangerous goods, harmful substances or disgusting goods into or store them in Leasing Premises.

第三条 租赁期限

3.1 租赁期限、付租期和本合同的有效期

Section 3 Lease Term

3.1 Lease Term, Rent-Paying Period and Contract Life

In this contract, Lease Term is from the Commencement Date of Rent-Free Decoration Period to the last day of Rent-Paying Period. The Rent-Paying Period of this contract is months, and the beginning day of payment in this contract is called briefly as the beginning day of rent, which also is the Formal Operation Date provided in Section 12 of this contract. The Contract Life is from the date when this contract entered into to the date when Leasing Premises is returned by Party B according to the previsions set forth in Section 17 of this contract.

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